The Protection and Advocacy for Individuals with Mental Illness (PAIMI) Advisory Council is composed of consumers of mental health services, family members, providers, attorneys and other interested and knowledgeable persons from the community.
The role of the PAIMI Advisory Council is to:
- Provide independent advice and recommendations to the Director and staff of Kentucky P&A.
- Work jointly with Kentucky P&A to develop policies and priorities concerning the protection and advocacy of the human, legal and civil rights of individuals who have a mental illness.
- Submit a section of the PAIMI Program Performance Report that describes the activities of the PAIMI council and its assessment.
Front Row: Urika Berry, Shannon Kocher, Jackie May, and Sarah Whitledge.
Back Row: Robert Johnson, Melissa Mays, Gayla Lockhart, and Brandon Banks.
Absent: Lisa Paxton, Lukas Saint Clair & Penny, SuAnn Williams, Jennifer Johnson, Dawn Smith, Austin Nugent, and Cody Williamson.
The PAIMI Council Belief Statement
The Protection and Advocacy Advisory Council for Individuals with Mental Illness believes that Protection and Advocacy systems were created to protect and promote the rights of Individuals with different abilities and to promote their social inclusion both in institutions and in their communities.
The PAIMI Council believes that individuals who obtain mental health services have the right to receive services, education and treatment in a safe environment that is respectful of each person’s individual need. It is our belief that individuals with challenges have the right to be treated equally and with dignity and respect, and to fully participate in their community no matter their challenge or where they live, work or socialize.