Information & Referrals
When your call or email comes into P&A it is assigned to an advocate or attorney.
The advocate or attorney will contact you within 3 working days to get more details.
After the advocate or attorney calls or emails you back, your call either stays an I&R or the call becomes a case.
You can find more information and tools on our Resources page.
Request help from P&A through our online intake form.
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Training & Outreach
Protection and Advocacy attorneys and advocates are able to provide a variety of rights trainings and presentations.
See below for a list of trainings and presentations regularly provided (Select each category to expand and see topics). We are able to create or tailor presentations according to audiences. If you do not see your desired topic, please contact our Outreach Coordinator to see if we are able to meet your needs.
Training and Outreach
Training: Education Topics
Basic Special Education/504: This session covers the basic rights and protections of the Individuals with Education Act (IDEA), and the role parents play in school meetings. It also takes a brief look at 504 plans and additional resources available for parents.
Understanding the Individualized Education Program (IEP): In this session participants will learn about the process of writing the IEP in developing a program that provides access to and ensures that the student will make progress in the general curriculum. Each page of the IEP form will be looked at to gain understanding of what information should be there so that students will be successful with both academic and functional performance in school.
Becoming an Advocate: Learning to become a successful advocate will give you the ability to become an effective part of the team that plans your child’s education. This session will explore rights, relationships, resources and provide tips and strategies for the negotiation process to use when working with the school.
Transition to the Adult World - Creating the Future We Want for Our Children: How do we move children with disabilities from students to adult learners, workers and community members? We will look at the tools you need to get them there including how to write transition goals, good futures planning, goal setting, real student involvement and knowledge of how to access the resources in the adult world.
Student Directed IEP: Students with disabilities who learn the skills they need to be more involved in their IEP meetings have more positive school and adult experiences. This session will show how a collaborative group has developed a Student-directed IEP model. We will share the rational, research, application by students at various levels, connections to the general curriculum and our tool kit.
Training for Students and Self-advocates:
Right or No Right (High School Student Version and Adult Version): Hurry, hurry, step right up! Test your knowledge on adult rights and privileges in this interactive session that has received rave reviews.
Get Involved - It’s Your IEP. It’s Your Life: This workshop takes youth through the IEP process, their rights and how to be involved in their IEP’S so they can be successful in school.
Your Rights: This training, which is done by an advocate and self-advocate covers basic human rights and protections for individuals with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities living in institutional or community settings.
General Training/Presentation Topics
Guardianship: This session provides information regarding guardianship of adults with disabilities and alternatives to guardianship.
Your Voice, Your Vote: Voting is a fundamental part of citizenship. This session explores voting rights through history, how laws impacted individuals with disabilities, and an interactive portion which tests participants’ knowledge in real-life scenarios.
Yes!! You Can Work: This workshop will address the benefits of working (both $$ and social) and dispel the myths about working and receiving SSI. It will also cover some ADA and employment rights including disability disclosure. We will also show people at a variety of jobs including self or micro enterprise and give some work tips.
What is Protection and Advocacy? This brief presentation gives an overview of information about the KY Protection and Advocacy, and the services provided.
Training: Waivers
(MPW) Michelle P. Waiver: This training goes through the history, eligibility, services, and how to apply for the MPW.
Getting the Help You Need for Your Child: We will share information on the Medicaid Waivers and other supports available for children and adults with intellectual, developmental or medical disabilities. We will talk about services under each of the Waiver programs and the Hart Supported Living Grant, eligibility and how to apply. The Consumer Directed Option, which gives people the opportunity to direct their own services, will also be shared.
Client Grievances
A prospective or eligible client who is dissatisfied with the decision to deny services by P&A (complainant) shall have the right to appeal that action.
- Any client of P&A who feels that the advocacy services she or he has received are inadequate, unprofessional, or not in keeping with P&A standards shall have the right to file a grievance against the advocate.
- The basis for that grievance may include, but is not limited to, allegations of violations of professional practice standards.
- A prospective or eligible client who feels that P&A is not operating in compliance with the law may file a grievance. If a prospective or eligible client also requests to speak to the supervisor of the advocate/attorney they shall be allowed to speak with/leave a message for the appropriate supervisor.
Notice of Grievance
All prospective or eligible clients requesting services from P&A shall be informed orally of the right to file a grievance. Documentation shall be provided on the intake form that such notice was provided.
A copy of the grievance procedure and client evaluation form shall be provided to the client (as indicated in the “close” letter) when the case is closed.
When a case is opened, a copy of the grievance procedure shall be provided to:
- prospective or eligible clients who indicate dissatisfaction with services provided or with a decision to deny services.
- prospective or eligible clients who feel P&A is not operating in compliance with the law.
- persons who indicate dissatisfaction with the information and referral services provided, even after an explanation for the basis of the action.
- all persons who request information in addition to the oral notice.
See more on the grievance process.
Transition to Adulthood
P&A has a 3 Part PowerPoint Presentation on Transition to Adulthood for children with disabilities.
Transition Resources
Select the “+” sign to expand and see some general resources on transition:
General Transition Resources
- The Institute on Community Integration at the University of Minnesota has many resources for transition and self-determination.
- The National Center on Secondary Education and Transition (NCSET) has information related to secondary education and transition for youth with disabilities in order to create opportunities for youth to achieve successful futures. This site has links to many general and career exploration resources.
- The National Secondary Transition Technical Assistance Center has many topics for youth and their families such as articles on how to get the most out of your IEP and questions to consider when planning for life after high school. There are lesson plans on a variety of topics such as self-management at the workplace, employability skills, social skills etc.
- The Pacer Center is an information and training center for families and youth. Their website has many resources for the student and their family on a variety of transition and self-advocacy topics.
- The Transition Coalition with the University of Kansas has online trainings, materials/publications and resources on topics related to the transition from school to adult life for youth with disabilities.
- Transition One Stop provides resources in Kentucky for transition from school to community and positive post school outcomes. Transition newsletters and website list are included. Click on high school to community.
- National Resource Center for Supported Decision-Making includes people and organizations that may be able to help and answer questions. Supported Decision-Making is a way people can make their own decisions and stay in charge of their lives, while receiving any help they need to do so as an alternative to guardianship.
- Transition to Adulthood on the Center for Parent Information & Resources has resources on the entire transition and postsecondary process including transition planning in secondary school, getting students involved in writing their own IEP, independent living, finding adult services, and connections to employment and postsecondary education connections.
Re-entry Resource Directory
P&A has released a re-entry resource directory for individuals with disabilities exiting prison. A Memorandum of Understanding between P&A and the Department of Corrections (DOC) was signed in December 2012, to assure the directory is made available to individuals exiting the corrections system and re-entering the community. The DOC has also agreed to make the re-entry resource directory available to all Transition/Re-Entry Coordinators. The re-entry resource directory is now available online on the DOC website.
For a hard copy of the counties you are interested in, contact Kentucky P&A.
Representative Payee Review Program
This program provides oversight to rep payees and their services to beneficiaries as well as giving them support to better understand their role and responsibilities. Download the document below for information about the program.