The Protection & Advocacy for Persons with Developmental Disabilities (PADD) board is comprised of individuals with a developmental disability, as well as, family members of individuals with a developmental disability.
Membership consists of not more than seventeen (17) citizen members appointed by the Division Director, Jeff Edwards, for three year terms. Meetings are held quarterly in November, February, May and August. Attendance at these meetings is required. There is funding available for members travels, lodging, and care attendants.
Front Row: Tommy Malone, Amanda Stahl, Elizabeth Hernandez, Frank Huffman, Arthur Campbell, Kelly Knoop
Back Row: Mike Smith, Nyketa Williams, Jeremy Hosford, Katie Bentley, Jeramy Hughes
Absent: Will Bentley, Cathy Jo Edwards, Daniel Hathaway, Ashley Layne, Jay Tyner-Wilson, Kevin Webb
The PADD Board Belief Statement
The Protection and Advocacy for Developmental Disabilities Advisory Board believes that all Kentuckians have the right to live, learn, work, worship, and socialize in the home and community of their choosing.
We believe that …
- all Kentuckians have the right to live a life of dignity and equality, and to experience true inclusion in the community.
- Kentuckians with developmental and intellectual disabilities have these same rights.
- having to attend schools, programs or places of worship chosen by others, or being forced to live in institutions by guardians or parents or other family members is no choice at all.
- Kentucky has a responsibility to commit to a true system of community support. Without these supports, people are forced to live in institutions at a higher costs, without privileges, and with the increased likelihood of abuse and neglect.
- Kentuckians with developmental and intellectual disabilities should engage in meaningful work and be paid a competitive wage.
- Kentuckians with developmental and intellectual disabilities can have their needs for mental health services met in the community, and that long term institutional placement is unnecessary.
- the system must be responsive to and respectful of the needs, wants and desires of Kentuckians with developmental and intellectual disabilities.
- all Kentuckians with developmental and intellectual disabilities can be successful with the appropriate natural, community and professional supports..
Application for PADD Board Membership
Download the application form and fax it to Camille Collins at (502) 695-6764. If you have questions regarding membership or the application process, you may contact P&A by phone at (502) 564-2967