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Rights Reporter Newsletter

Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities




Mental Health​​

Representative Payee Program



Misc. Publications

Financial Education and Asset Development
One of the better resources I’ve seen produced in our state.  Excellent for any person with a disability that is attempting to rise above a lifetime of poverty, but especially so for those we are assisting with Interim Settlement Agreement.  It includes information on nearly everything in the financial realm and hyperlinks to additional resources.  All of it is specific to Kentucky. 

Some of the main topics are:

  • how to obtain benefits analysis & counseling
  • specific banks that are “disability-friendly”
  • where to get a home loan or car loan with bad or no credit history
  • tax preparation assistance
  • post-secondary education assistance

Click here for PDF document

  • The Bratcher Decision – Kentucky Court of Appeals

    The Kentucky Court of Appeals adopted the reasoning of the Franklin Circuit Court and affirmed that the Cabinet for Health and Family Services cannot use the intellectual disability definition to exclude individuals with developmental disabilities from the Supports for Community Living Waiver. The Court of Appeals quoted the Franklin Circuit Court: “The Cabinet exceeded its statutory powers by grafting the regulation’s mental retardation IQ requirement onto the definition of developmental disability. There is no properly promulgated regulation which requires an individual who qualifies for the SCL Waiver on the basis of developmental disability to show first that he also meets the regulation’s definition of mental retardation.” The Court of Appeals decision is final. It is now a published decision.
    Click here for the Court of Appeal's decision

Click here for the Franklin Circuit Court's decision


Free Accessible FCC-approved Technology for Deaf Blind Individuals across Kentucky
NDBEDP (National Deaf Blind Equipment Distribution Program) - 

EPSDT page on has been updated to include links to the Vision and Hearing page.

Vision Services
At a minimum, diagnosis and treatment for defects in vision, including eyeglasses. Vision services must be provided according to a distinct periodicity schedule developed by the state and at other intervals as medically necessary. For additional information visit the 
Vision and Hearing Screening Services for Children & Adolescents page.

Hearing Services
At a minimum, hearing services include diagnosis and treatment for defects in hearing, including hearing aids. For additional information visit the 
Vision and Hearing Screening Services for Children & Adolescents page


Re-Entry Resource Directory
Re-Entry Resource Directory P&A has released a re-entry resource directory for individuals with disabilities exiting prison. In 2010, P&A developed a survey of questions to assess the barriers for individuals with disabilities re-entering the community from prison. The survey also included questions about services and supports needed to make a successful and lasting re-entry to the community. Upon approval from the Kentucky Department of Corrections (DOC), P&A staff delivered the surveys to Blackburn Correction Complex, The Frankfort Career Development Center, and the Kentucky Correctional Institution for Women.

The top three barriers to successful re-entry identified were: the lack of accessible housing, barriers to gaining or maintaining employment, and the lack of financial resources. Eighty-eight of the one hundred and twenty counties in Kentucky were represented in the completed surveys.

The results of the survey were shared with a panel of formerly incarcerated individuals with disabilities, representatives from the Department of Corrections, the Department for Behavior Health/Developmental and Intellectual Disabilities, the Office of Vocational Rehabilitation, the Client Assistance Program, the American Civil Liberties Union, and the American Veterans Association. Additionally, representatives from homeless shelters, ministers and other representatives from faith-based organizations, and potential employers participated on the panel.

In addition to including information on the three most identified barriers, the panel agreed that information about additional topics, including services and supports, should also be included in the resource directory. Over the next several months P&A staff and members of the Protection & Advocacy for Individuals with Mental Illness (PAIMI) Advisory Council researched and compiled data and information needed for the re-entry resource directory. In addition P&A staff was flooded with leads of possible services and supports to be included in the re-entry resource directory.

A Memorandum of Understanding between P&A and the Department of Corrections was signed in December 2012, to assure the directory is made available to individuals exiting the corrections system and re-entering the community. The DOC has also agreed to make the re-entry resource directory available to all Transition/Re-Entry Coordinators. The re-entry resource directory is now available online. Simply go to DOC at 
Or you may obtain a hard copy of the counties you are interested in by calling Kentucky P&A, 



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